So I missed posting in July because I was very busy with preparations for and the aftermath of moving. Now we are more settled for at least a month or so until my husband can find work.
Moving and I have a love/hate relationship. Moving loves me because it kicks me out of my current comfort zone and causes me to evaluate if I am going in life where I want to be. I am slowly beginning to stop hating moving because I hate saying farewell to local friends with the promise that we'll be back to visit--It's nearly impossible to coordinate a visit that lets us see ALL the friends we've made and for a long enough time to enjoy it. I'm beginning to stop hating only because of social networking sites that let us all stay in touch a little easier.
I certainly am thankful that snail mail is not the only way to communicate visually long distances these days and that technology makes easier sharing parts of our lives with our friends around the world.
well im glad you are here it was so very good to see you! i hope things work out for you.