Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Plague of My Own Doing -- or putting off doing

Why is putting things off so easy to do?  When I started this blog I wanted to post at least once a week.  And here I am on the last day of May writing a post so I can keep at least one post a month--at least for the last few months.  And the dumb thing is that I'm on the computer at least once a day, I just don't take time to create a post because I carry the attitude that I can do it later, or do it tomorrow.  And then I find myself looking back at a whole month having gone by without having written here.

Sadly, blogging is not the only thing I have experienced this disappointment with.  And then when a deadline comes I find myself stressing to get that particular thing done the way I want, without the time I want.  You would think that after so many years of recognizing that I create the stress for myself (and often others who are affected by any activities I put off) by not just being consistent about doing a little each day that I would somehow find encouragement to change.

I suppose I can take a little courage that I wrote this in the morning of the last day of May rather than pushing it off to the end of the day...